Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mom was a hoarder.  Kidding.  She just had a lot of shit.  We tried to take what we could use, give away some stuff to her friends, and unfortunately throw out the stuff that was going bad.  Oh mom you crazy lady how much food did you need?!?!  Mom was known as an awesome cook.  Her Kimchee was the best.  When we asked her friends if they would take some stuff they all tried to take everything.  We had to ration it out.  Two fridges full of stuff.  The fridge for non stinky things
 the fridge for stinky things
 kimchees. pickles. banchans!!!
 all the grains and stuff
 her kimchee fridge
 full of ripe ass kimchees
 we split this up 4 ways and finished it within a few days
 she had a pantry full of other things including TONS of this... the crispy hard almost burned rice on the bottom of pots.  Dried out completely. 
 you deep fry
 and POOF!!! puffed rice snacks.  Sprinkle with sugar and give to everyone.  So tasty.  I have enough to make so many batches.  Not sure why mom was saving so much of this stuff.  =/
I will learn to make food as good as Mom.  I will learn to make some of her signature dishes.  I will learn to be more like Mom. 

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